
New Patient Center

A place where your needs can be heard.


New Patient Center

A place where your needs can be heard.

Your Initial Visit

During your first visit, we take the opportunity to connect with you and listen to your concerns, needs and goals for your health and life. Its important that we get a snap shot about you, your life, and the experiences that have contributed to where you are at this moment. 

After going over your paperwork, we will assess the function and balance of your nervous system using our state-of-the-art technology. This technology helps us assess the spine and nervous system and how it is functioning. After your scan, you will have a comprehensive structural analysis.  This allows us to see what structural compensation your body might be making to adapt to the stress on your nervous system.

The information gathered from your history, scan, and examination will not only allow us to see if we can help you reach your desired goals, but will also tell us if you are a good candidate for the care that we provide in our office. Plan to spend about 30 minutes to so we may be thorough and connect with you. Special time considerations may be made for infants or children with special needs (ie. splitting the appointment time into 2 separate times: phone consultation and then an in-office examination). Our staff is trained on knowing if this is needed for you and your child. 


13910 Indiana Ave Suite 100
Lubbock, TX — 79423



Questions? Comments?  Or just need to connect with us? 

Please use the form.